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Monday, November 28, 2011

Another Conversation Overheard..... (Pregant Woman Sex)

The following conversation took place at a museum between two twenty year old something dudes.

Dave: Wow!

Alex: What?

Dave: Look at her she's so fucking hot!

Alex: Oh yeah, I see her.

Dave: God! Look at's like she's glowing.

Alex: Yeah...she...oh look she's pregnant.

They fall silent for a while and just check out the chick.

Dave: So I was thinking like...if I was making out with her....and I licked her stomach. Would that make me a pedophile?

Alex: Well that's definitely a threesome. The only difference is one of the participants does not withdraw voluntarily from the coochie.

Dave: Alex are you talking about the baby as a participant?

Alex: Wait...aren't you...

Dave: You sick fuck, let's go look at the Impressionists, Monet is down this hall...

People are sick- we are only reporting what has been said.

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