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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tinashe - Boss (Ryan Hemsworth remix)

Tinashe is a singer from Kentucky. She gets her exotic looks from having Zimbabwean,
Danish, Norwegian and Irish blood from her parents. This is a cut off her mixtape
'In Case We Die' that she dropped in February 2012. While we salivate for her
next mixtape 'Reverie,' Ryan Hemsworth - another Canadian export killing the game right now -
has graced us with this official remix to keep the thirst at bay till then.

He surrounds her vocals with a flurry of chimes and percussion that switches from
congas and fingersnaps to an 808-led trap chorus. He tops it all off with fluttering coos
and stuttering vocal samples. And Tinashe?

Besides crooning languid from behind a curtain of reverb, she's waiting for you to come and get it. 

That's right, daddy....

Monday, August 13, 2012

Com Truise - Chemical Legs

Com Truise makes '80s music. Yeah a more Blader Runner-esque 1980s
were we might have been denied the joys of Mr. Reagan. As a musician,
he is a synth warlord with a no-joke arsenal. He unrolls melodies of bright 
crystalline synths, grooving it out with swift stabs of guttural bass. 

Occasionally, as in this instance, he throws in some heavily processed 
(maybe Autotune...?) vocals that are reminiscent of HAL. This is his 
hard hitting gem, contributed to the Adult Swim Singles Program.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Terri Walker - Matters Of The Heart (Album Stream)

Terri Walker, the British soul/R&B singer, has not put anything out in a while.
Here, she returns - sultry voice box intact - with a dancefloor-ready collection
of collaborations from the past two years.