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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tyler the Creator

Apparently I am late to this 19 year Californian with suicide angst...but...fuck it... dude is dope...
He reminds me of an evil Cool Kid with Gravediggaz/rza-esque beats...with an Aesop rock flow and a full- on-of hate Eminem lyrics....grimey!

"I'm not a fucking role model (I know this)
I'm a 19 year old fucking emotional coaster with pipe dreams
Since Kanye tweeted telling people he's bumping all of my shit
These mothafuckas think I'm 'sposed to live up to something? Shit"

He says that in his raps that this is fiction but when you listen you can hear the friction and emotion of a 19 year old who lets his demons bear and claw out.
I am digging it when in his videos his eyes are rolled back into his face!

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